About Repline Marketing Group
As sales professionals, we are spending more time every day reporting our
activities, developing marketing tools, while being pushed to our technology
limits. This is at a great expense because it takes us away from our
valuable selling time.
RMG, Inc. was founded to solve these problems. We developed
a state of the art web reporting system, that allows you to enter and retrieve
your field activities with ease! We partnered with Blue Lacuna to offer
you iSellSheetBuilder, a new and innovative web tool which enables you to build
and customize sell sheets in a few key strokes. And lastly, we recognize
that technology is changing our business lives and TurnerTime helps you better
understand how to harness technology by maximizing your computer, email and
mobile devices.
Our twenty years in the outside, relationship selling game has exposed these
issues and now more than ever they need to be addressed. Your customers
demand it, your factories demand it and your competition is right over your